oblast yaroslavl bahasa Inggris
- oblast: oblast
- country data oblast yaroslavl: country data yaroslavl oblast
- eparki yaroslavl: diocese of yaroslavl
- At the time of his death, Nemtsov was one of the leaders of the Solidarnost ("Solidarity") opposition movement, an elected member of the regional parliament of Yaroslavl Oblast, and co-chair of the RPR-PARNAS, which is a member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, a Pan-European political party.
Sampai kematiannya, Nemtsov menjadi anggota dari parlemen wilayah Oblast Yaroslavl (terpilih pada 2013), seorang ketua dari partai politik RPR-PARNAS (yang merupakan anggota dari Aliansi Liberal-Demokratik Eropa), dan salah satu pemimpin gerakan Solidarnost.